Here is a few of my favorite resources to use while reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle...
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Tops and Bottoms Craft and Printables
Looking for an adorable craft to go along with Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens? You students can do both or pick a character to make. Vegetable parts (edible and non-edible parts) are included to match with each character. I created two resources on tpt... one with just the craft and another one with printable resources included. some of the extra included resources are: sequencing cards and writing responses. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what's included:
click on these links to take you to my store:
Tops and Bottoms - Craft plus sequencing cards and literacy printables
Tops and Bottoms - Google Slides

Saturday, November 19, 2022
The Great Turkey Race
Craft and Google Slides
We read these three books every year in November. The kids get such a kick out of the characters: Ollie, Cassie and Wing.
My friend, Meg, DREW the characters ... Can you believe she DREW them?!?! When I draw I need to google "how to draw a turkey for kindergarten, simple" lol. Check out how cute they look in the hallway. Each kid had an option to make Ollie, Cassie, or Wing. We have not done this craft yet, but every time we walk by her class on the way to lunch, my class always asks, "When are we making those?!?"
I keep telling Meg that the running puffs of smoke look like farts... what do you think? 'Leave your opinion in the comments. HAHAH 😛

Head over to her TPT store to find out more about this craft: The Suchoboky Store
💻Great Turkey Race - Digital Slides
Last year I created these google slides to go with the book The Great Turkey Race. I didn't think that with Covid being "over" that I would ever use Google Slides again. There are a few that I go back to, that I did not expect to... The Great Turkey Race being one of them.
Click here or on any of the pictures to take you to this digital resource.

Monday, November 14, 2022
My good friend just started a new TPT store. Go check it out. She is super creative and such an artist. Here are some of her products. I am in love with the Great Turkey Race craft... my class had so much fun picking their favorite turkey.
Here is the link to her store :The Suchoboky Store
Click the pictures below to take you to The Great Turkey Race craft on my friend's TPT page.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Tops and Bottoms
Isn't this book just the cutest? I created some google slide activities to go with it. All the slides are geared towards building their comprehension (sequencing, comprehension quick check, character traits, using evidence, favorite part, cause and effect, opinion writing, text to self connections, and vegetable sorting)
Click here to take you to my resource:
Here are some sample pics of the slides I created...
This is an amazing tool to have when planting seeds (TIP: carrots take a long time to grow big, so do what I did... buy a carrot at the grocery store and throw it in towards the end! :). )
This is similar to the one I have on amazon. Click on the product to bring you to the amazon link:
Here are some more that I would think about purchasing for the classroom:
And this:
and I'm totally getting this.... so cool!

Sunday, February 28, 2021
March Resources
The kids LOVED walking through this door. I hope to do it again this year!
This google slide resource is perfect for the primary grades in March. It includes over 7 math activities (over 80 slides), for only $3.50!
Click here for one activity from the unit... it's a freebie! This would be the simplest activity from unit.
This next resource is perfect for math centers. It includes 11 fun and engaging math activities and games. Print, Laminate and enjoy!
I created this resource when I taught first grade and the kids LOVED it. It can also be used for Kindergarten enrichment, or second grade remediation. Click here or on the picture to take you to the resource in my TPT store.
Here is the preview page:
I love this Inferencing Writing Activity. They loved reading the clues to their friends and having them guess what they are describing. Here are some first graders' completed work:
And finally.... how cool is this???