Sunday, December 7, 2014

Penguin Unit - Need a few extra set of eyes before posting!!!

I just finished my Literacy, Math, and Science Penguin Unit.  I would love a few set of eyes to look it over and make any suggestions… The final draft will be yours to keep.

The first 3 to comment will receive it tonight.  Please leave your email!

Thank you!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Election Day Writing

Hi Everyone!  I plan to use this activity this week for an Election Day lesson.  We usually read Duck for President, by Doreen Cronin.  This is such a cute book.  The kids love it!  If you have a Bookflix subscription, you can watch it on there.  After reading we take a vote:  Do you think Duck should be president?  (Yes?  No?)  During this vote we  discuss reasons to back up their voting choice.

Then we use the graphic organizer to write 3 reasons why or why not Duck should be president.

Finally, we use our graphic organizers to help us write a 3-5 paragraph friendly letter!

This activity is one of my favorites!

Enjoy my freebie!

I'm also have a TPT 10% off Sale for all of my products.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Name Unit

We had so much fun with our Name Unit.  We learned each others' names while doing some really fun educational activities.  And of course…. they love hearing and saying their own names.  After charting their names we did a few activities...

"My Name As a Pattern" was actually done by my little pre-k daughter.  I forgot to take a picture in the classroom….

We compared and contrasted our names two different ways:
Finding someone with a shorter and longer name.
Venn Diagram

We played a game called "Guess the Name!"  I wrote each students' name on a strip of paper vertically.  I would pull the strip out so that one letter showed at a time.  The kids had to guess the name - using the class chart.  I was thinking this would be a great way to show who is the calendar helper of the day or something...

We even did a science experiment….. "Invisible Ink"
I wrote their names in milk.  The milk has to be whole milk.  Then we let it dry. The water actually evaporates and the fat is left behind.  Then we scratched a pencil on sandpaper and then smeared the graphite on the paper.  Their names magically appear!!!  A little messy on the finger, but a lot of fun.  :)

I didn't have time to do this other science experiment at school, but we did do it at home…. "Disappearing Names"
We wrote our names on coffee filters with different color magic markers.  Then we carefully dropped a few drops of water on the colors and they combined together to make a very beautiful finished piece.  
There are many, many more activities we did- I couldn't add them all here, but you can view them on TPT...

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Back to School Welcome Letter

Wow!! I haven't been on here in forever!  I hope to keep up on sharing this school year.  I'm going to start with my welcome letter.  I have revised it many times throughout the years and this is my most current version.  Download it free on TPT.  It's a microsoft word version so you can edit to match your classroom!


I also have a Back to School Unit on TPT to help kick start a successful school year!