Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fiction Stories

I love, love, love to teach writing to first graders!!!  Writing is probably my favorite subject to teach.  We just finished a realistic fiction writing unit of study.  They had two characters in their story (themselves and someone else) and they made up a story.  We kept it "realistic" fiction (even though some really wanted to write a story with an alien and talking dinosaurs).  :)  First we spent a lot of time creating characters in our language arts notebooks.  We drew characters and described their internal and external character traits. Some of the other minilessons had the kids focus on writing descriptive words about the setting, having a problem and solution, as well as some craft lessons (show, don't tell, dialogue, strong leads, strong endings, using other words for "said"...)

Here are some anchor charts we created together:

 I have a ton of writing workshop lessons and activities that I would love to share. I'm very new to blogging.  I just came across a few first grade blogs and I love the fact that everyone shares ideas with one another.  Next step for me is to organize all my files and start sharing away!


  1. I just started writing workshop this year and I look forward to seeing more of your ideas on your blog. Your blog is fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Can't wait to read more about your is my weakest...

  3. I can't wait to see ALL of your Writer's Workshop ideas. The ones I've seen so far are wonderful. I love teaching writing but I feel I need to streamline a little more. Thank you so much. Love your blog!
