Monday, July 11, 2011

The Tooth Fairy Came! not teacher related - but a free printable!! :-)

My first born finally lost his first tooth! He was *thrilled*. Of course it happened right before bedtime so we scrounged around for some dollar bills (the couch, the car...). We finally found $5.00 and I quickly made this letter. There will be a new letter from a different fairy each time he loses a tooth. This letter isn't as "pretty" as I wanted it to be, since it was late and last minute, but here it is. I hope you can use it with your kids!


  1. Love it! That is so cute!

  2. It's normal for kids to feel thrilled or scared when they lose their first tooth. But thank goodness for these tooth fairies who are always ready to come to the rescue! They truly deserve fairy letters like this! =D
