Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tooth Fairy Letter #2!

I guess when the first tooth pops out, the next is not too far behind!  My son lost his second tooth last night.  He was actually in a "time out" for teasing his younger brother when he yanked it out.  I was pretty impressed with his strategy to get out of "time out" early.  Haha!!

Anyway...I know this isn't teacher related, and I promised myself that I would keep this blog only for teacher resources, but tooth fairy letter #2 is just too cute to not share.   Dizzy Dee the Tooth Fairy came swirling and twirling to visit last night.  I hope you too are able to use this letter with your kids!  I am including a brightly colored copy as well as an "ink friendly" version.  Enjoy!

Oh - and don't forget that I am having a giveaway for 3 lucky winners to win 3 units each!  Click here to enter or scroll down!!!  The winners will be picked tomorrow night (Sunday, June 31st).


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1 comment:

  1. Did you make those letters, Ms. Ally? Hehe. They really look good. Whoever won copies of those were surely lucky! Dizzy Dee's quite a unique name for a tooth fairy though. Who named her?
