Monday, August 15, 2011

Crayon Wreath - Inspired by Pinterest!

Okay, so I am officially addicted to Pinterest!  I didn't quite understand what the hype was when everyone was talking about it on their blogs - but now I totally "get it."  I found the cutest wreath made from crayons on the site (click here) and attempted to make it on this rainy day.  I bought a foam wreath from AC Moore.  Then I took my son's old Hulk costume that he grew out of and wrapped it around the foam, using the hot glue gun as I went.  Then I used the hot glue gun again to glue on the crayons.  Finally, I added the checkered bow to hang.  I plan to hang it on my classroom door.  My son actually wants to make one for his new teacher this year... maybe a Winter holiday gift???  Very easy to do - and that's coming from someone who does not make crafts a lot!!!


  1. I've been wanting to make that one, too! Good job! And I was also thinking what a lovely gift idea it would make!

    Kendra at Light a Candle

  2. :)
    My aunt (who was a teacher) made this wreath for me when I first started teaching - 17 years ago!
    Thanks for the memory!
