Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Character Ed Sample and Year Long Unit Posted

My school requires us to do character ed throughout the school year and have lessons related to the Character Counts themes (trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, caring, citizenship, and fairness).  Check out my year long lesson plans and activities related to read alouds at my TPT store!  There are 2 suggested book titles for k-2 per month with suggested lessons, activities, and/or crafts linked to the read alouds...That's 20 + lessons and activities!!!

Since Martin Luther King Jr. was remembered and celebrated in January, we read a book titled, The Crayon Box That Talked.  We read the book and compare/contrasted to a similar poem (click here for sample).  Then each child illustrated a crayon to show how each one is unique.  We then displayed them in a "classroom crayon box."  I like doing this for MLK day, but the same project can be used in the beginning of the year to show how each child is different, but together we make a great team!
Click on the above picture to go to Character Education Sample (The Crayon Box that Talked)


  1. I never thought to use that book for MLK!! Thanks so much for sharing I will add that to my MLK file for next year!
