Sunday, March 4, 2012

St. Patty's Inferencing Lesson

 I love St. Patrick's Day (even though I'm not an ounce Irish!). To kick off our lucky month we did an inferencing lesson where the kids had to describe something greeen.  First we charted anything we could think of that was green.  We got so many great answers this year from animals (frogs and turtles) to characters (Shrek, Hulk).  The list went on and on!  Then each kid picked one "green item" from the list to keep as a secret.  Then they wrote 3 clues about their object and wrote it on this kind of flippy shamrock cut out with the answer inside.  Afterwards the kids read their clues to each other and then made guesses.  They LOVED that part!  Now they are hanging in the hallway for others to guess...

 You can click here to view it in google docs
You can click here to download it from TPT


  1. I love this! We're finishing up inferencing this week and this will be great review. Thanks for sharing!! : )

  2. This is such a cute idea! I think we will be doing this one this week! Thank you for sharing!

    ~ Katie
    First Grade ABCs

    1. So I'm back, but with Rebecca this time! We absolutely love your darling blog so we nominated you for an award. Come on over to our blog to check it out!

      ~Katie and Rebecca
      First Grade ABCs

  3. So cute! Love this idea. Can't wait to try it! LOVE your blog design!!

    First Grade Brain Sprinkles

  4. Congrats on your award from the girls over at First Grade ABCs!! They also shared the award with me:) i wanted to check out your blog and I think its great!! I hope youll stop by my blog sometime:) Im your newest follower:)
