Sunday, December 20, 2015

Week Before Christmas 20% SALE

Some of you are lucky enough to have started your Christmas Break already…. not I!

Head on over to my store to save 20%!  Here are some of my "Winter Themed" products…

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Winter Math Centers and a Freebie

These math centers have been such a fun way to practice math!  We are using the NYS math modules and how can I say this… they are a little blah!  So these centers bring the fun back to math!  We do the math modules all week.  Then on Friday, we catch up with the exit tickets and do math games.  Here are some of my Winter Themed Centers…

Adding 3 addends and matching their sums.

Practicing our Counting On Strategy.
Finding Santa's Belongings On the 120 Chart


This center packet includes 10 ~ Winter Themed ~ math activities:

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Friday, July 10, 2015

Summer Center Freebie

I decided to take 3 activities from my Ocean Center Packet and make it a freebie and link up with The Teaching Blog Addict for Freebie Friday!  Enjoy!  If you would like to check out and purchase my entire Center Packet, head on over to my TPT store.  Or you can see some of the other activities in my previous post.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Summer Literacy and Math Centers- Giveaway!

Looking for some fun Literacy and Math Center ideas for summer school or just for fun at home?  I created 15 center activities (7 literacy and 8 math) that are summer/ocean themed.  The first five to comment will get it for free!  Just leave me you email and please share on some kind of social media!  If you are interested in purchasing this center packet, please click here.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day!! To celebrate, my entire TpT store is 20% off today and tomorrow! Click here.

Check out my Plant and Seed Center Packet.  It's my latest product and I LOVE how it turned out!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Free Plant and Seed Center Packet

Does anyone want a free Plant and Seed Center Packet?!?

I just finished this packet and am very excited to use these activities during my center time in June.

The packet includes 12 activities: 6 literacy and 6 math…  68 pages total.  

Please leave me a comment below and I'll send you a copy.  Don't forget to include your email.  This will be given out to the first 5 comments.  

Click here to view more details on TPT.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Poetry Writing Unit Freebie/Giveaway!

I used to be scared to teach poetry.  But now I LOVE it!

Please comment and leave your email address.  I will send this unit to the first 5 people that comment.  

I have described what we have done so far in a previous post.  You can also check it out on TPT.  

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Poetry Writing Unit

Enjoying our Poetry Month!

I love when first graders write poetry!  We have been doing a unit on Free Verse Poetry.  There is not a lot of emphasis on structure or perfect sentences so they have the freedom to get creative while trying out some different techniques!  When I do this unit, I notice even the struggling students really excelling because of its free-form style.   They have been writing poems about many different things… summer, cousins, cats… and even bacon!  

We have spent a few weeks on this "Free Verse" poetry unit.  Take a look at the photos below to get an idea of how it went!  We still have a few more mini-lessons to go.  

This is what I follow.  It is part of my Poetry Writing Unit that you can find here on TPT.

 Click on the preview picture below to purchase my Poetry Unit.  It gives you day-to-day mini-lessons that include suggested dialogue and read alouds.  The unit is filled with student examples, anchor charts, book recommendations,activities, parent letters, self-reflection sheets, talking points and so much more!

I'll give out this unit to the first 5 people who comment for free!  Please leave a comment below with your email address and I'll send it out to you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Water Cycle in a Jar- Science Experiment

Another science experiment in a jar!  In March we did an experiment called Rainbow in a Jar to demonstrate different densities.  Last week we used a jar to demonstrate the water cycle.  

All we did was add some hot water.  We pretended this water was the ocean and it was warmed up by the sun.  Then we quickly place a plate on top of the mason jar to trap the water vapor that was rising.  We added a few clouds (ice cubes) on top of the plate and observed!  We had to wait and wait and wait very patiently until it started to rain.  We did have to wait about 10 minutes for it to start raining.  But when it finally did, all the kids squealed with excitement.  They loved it!  We reviewed our water cycle song while we did this fun experiment.  You can get both the science experiment and water cycle poem over at TPT.  Click here or on the picture below to download this freebie!

Thanks for stopping by!