So we are reading The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle this week. We are going to touch upon sequencing and discuss how the story is a "circular" story. I made up this sheet to use with them tomorrow. There are two pages - the second being in color. I hope it works for you as well!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Solar System Hats
Today was the last day of our Solar System unit. They really had a great time learning about this subject. I always love when we make hats. So I decided to have them make a solar system hat by coloring, cutting, and gluing the planets in order on a sentence strip. Then I took a bendable straw and taped it in the center. The kids taped a sun on the end of the straw so it dangled around all the planets. They turned out really cute!

A Cute Way to Help Kids Remember....
To help my kids remember a particular reading, writing, or math rule, I give that rule their name. I post the rules in the front of the room and always have the kids looking up there if they forget. For example, today we did a review sheet on even and odd numbers. Some of the kids forgot, so I told them to look at the "Jayden Rule."
I will usually assign the rule to either someone who really knows and understands how to use it or I will to someone who doesn't really understand it Either way, the kids feel like "experts" and they will never forget it! They love this and are always asking to have a rule!
I will usually assign the rule to either someone who really knows and understands how to use it or I will to someone who doesn't really understand it Either way, the kids feel like "experts" and they will never forget it! They love this and are always asking to have a rule!
Here are some of the rules:

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Giveaway on Finally in First Blog
I can't stand the use of plastic bags in our country. I know they are convenient, but they do so much more harm than good. Check out Finally in First's blog and her tote giveaway. They are really cute. Hope I can get my hands on one.

Plant and Seeds
It seems as though many of the teachers who I "stalk" are ending school soon. Well, we have until the end of June.... yuck! :( So, I still have a few things to cover. This weekend I planned a plant and seed unit to do over the next 2 weeks or so. I'm posting a few pages on here, but I am also posting a larger packet over at TPT. It has lessons connected to read alouds. (The Giving Tree being one of them... one of favorite books!!) It also has a math activity, writing activities, word study, science experiments, arts and crafts projects. Hope you enjoy it! I'll post pictures after the unit is over.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Free Ocean Unit!
Check out my literacy based ocean unit! Let me know what you think! Thanks...

Sunday, May 8, 2011
Guided Reading
I have been using the Fountas and Pinnell Reading and Writing Workshop Model for about 9 years. I love this way of teaching reading and writing. I attended Teacher's College at Columbia for my Masters and attended 2 summer sessions at Lucy Calkin's Writing Workshop Project. You should absolutely go to Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project, if you ever get the opportunity! It was the best! The speakers were amazing and I learned so much. I am planning on uploading and sharing all of my reading and writing units of study, as well as templates to assist your teaching in those areas. So please bear with my "work in progress."
Here is a "Status of the Class" template that I use to make sure I meet with every student. I mostly use this sheet during my guided reading time. But it could be used when meeting with students 1:1 or even whole group. I used to keep notes on each child in a tabbed section in a binder. It wasn't until I evaluated these notes at the end of the semester that I realized I wasn't conferencing with each student equally. So I created the new template below. It has all the students on one page so I can see who I have already met with and who I still need to conference with. I keep this on a clipboard and store it next to my guided reading table. I also have similar template on a different clipboard for Writing Workshop: Status of the Class.
Here is a "Status of the Class" template that I use to make sure I meet with every student. I mostly use this sheet during my guided reading time. But it could be used when meeting with students 1:1 or even whole group. I used to keep notes on each child in a tabbed section in a binder. It wasn't until I evaluated these notes at the end of the semester that I realized I wasn't conferencing with each student equally. So I created the new template below. It has all the students on one page so I can see who I have already met with and who I still need to conference with. I keep this on a clipboard and store it next to my guided reading table. I also have similar template on a different clipboard for Writing Workshop: Status of the Class.

Mother's Day Craft
I absolutely love this craft for Mother's Day. It is a picture frame made from an old cd case. I saw it about 7 years ago in Family Fun Magazine and at the time my brother in law put all of his cd's on his ipod so i quickly took all of his cd cases! I was so excited! Oh - the things teachers get excited about... :) Below is a picture of one (front, inside, back).

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Solar System Unit
We have been learning so much about the solar system and the kids are loving it! I have to thank Jodi over at Fun in First Grade. She has a great space unit that I bought from tpt. It is full of information about the solar system as well as some really cute ideas and activities! Next week we will be talking about stars and constellations so I made a worksheet where they use the letters of their names to make their own star constellation. Here it is:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Check out Glady's Blog "Once Upon a Time in 1st Grade"! What a great giveaway. Aren't those center packets the cutest??? Good luck!

Sunday, May 1, 2011
TPT Giveaway on First Grade is Fantabulous!
How nice! Tanya, over at First Grade is Fantabulous, is offering a $25.00 gift certificate to TPT!

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