Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tooth Fairy Letter #2!

I guess when the first tooth pops out, the next is not too far behind!  My son lost his second tooth last night.  He was actually in a "time out" for teasing his younger brother when he yanked it out.  I was pretty impressed with his strategy to get out of "time out" early.  Haha!!

Anyway...I know this isn't teacher related, and I promised myself that I would keep this blog only for teacher resources, but tooth fairy letter #2 is just too cute to not share.   Dizzy Dee the Tooth Fairy came swirling and twirling to visit last night.  I hope you too are able to use this letter with your kids!  I am including a brightly colored copy as well as an "ink friendly" version.  Enjoy!

Oh - and don't forget that I am having a giveaway for 3 lucky winners to win 3 units each!  Click here to enter or scroll down!!!  The winners will be picked tomorrow night (Sunday, June 31st).


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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Back to School Sample and Lesson Plan Template

I created a 37 page Back to School Unit to help you jump start a successful school year!  It is full of my favorite forms, letters, lessons and activities that I have collected and used over the years.  I have activities linked to some of my favorite first day/first week read alouds; including Chrysanthemum, First Day Jitters, and Froggy Goes to School.  Check out a few of the items in this free sample packet.  If you are interested in the full packet - head over to my TPT store.  Oh, and I'm having a sale until the 24th - so go on over and check it out!!!

I'm also posting my Lesson Plan Template (not included in the Back to School Unit).  


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Monday, July 18, 2011

What's your favorite "Back to School" activity? Linky Party

Chrysanthemum Big Book
      On the first day of school I love to read Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.  Before school started for Chrysanthemum, she thought everything about her name was perfect.  But then on the first day, the other “mice” in her class start to make fun of her name.  They tease her and make Chrysanthemum feel so sad. 
       When we read this book, I ask one a student to come up, sit next to me, and hold a heart.  I tell the class that the heart represents how Chrysanthemum feels during the story.  Before Chrysanthemum starts school, she feels happy (her heart is not wrinkled).  While I am reading, the student wrinkles the heart up when Chrysanthemum’s feelings are hurt.  Every time someone says something nice to her, or tries to make her feel better, the student holding the heart flattens it out.  This is a great visual to show how peoples’ hearts break when their feelings are hurt.  In the end I show how the creases remain the same in the paper heart even after it is flattened out.   I leave this up all year long and refer to it whenever there is a similar situation happening in the classroom.

Please check out the rest of my blog... I am having a giveaway to win 3 units (in honor of my 3 year old's birthday!!)  You have until Sunday, July 31st to enter! :)

Linky Party is open through August 1st - Check out the amazing ideas from other teachers at Jodi's Fun in First Blog

PS - This is my first "Linky Party" participation... I hope I did it correctly!!!  

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Tooth Fairy Came! not teacher related - but a free printable!! :-)

My first born finally lost his first tooth! He was *thrilled*. Of course it happened right before bedtime so we scrounged around for some dollar bills (the couch, the car...). We finally found $5.00 and I quickly made this letter. There will be a new letter from a different fairy each time he loses a tooth. This letter isn't as "pretty" as I wanted it to be, since it was late and last minute, but here it is. I hope you can use it with your kids!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Congratulations to Kelly S. ( I will email you the gift card information later tonight (when my 3 energetic kids go down for the night!!!!)  Sorry for the delay but I have a little 2 year old climbing on my back right now! :-)
True Random Number Generator  31
  1. Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Last day to enter!!

You have till 10:00 pm to enter for a chance to win a $25.00 gift card! See the post below for details!!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Gift Card Giveaway!

Happy 4th of July!  I am celebrating by giving away a $25.00 gift card!  It's a MasterCard gift-card so you can use it wherever you want to!!  The winner will be announced Thursday night, around 10:00 pm EST.  Good luck!

3 ways to enter:
-  Become a follower of my blog.
-  Blog about my giveaway on your own blog.
-  Become a follower on my TPT page.