Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wild Weather!

We have been having some pretty wild weather before the break.  It was supposed to be spring, but the weather has been very cold, windy, and foggy!  What a perfect time to learn about weather!

Here are some books we read:
Thunder CakeWild Weather: Level 1 (Extreme Readers) The Wind BlewWeather Words and What They MeanI

I absolutely love Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco and the students love to count along with the characters in between the lightning and thunder!  The students also loved to make text-to-self connections while reading.  They told some very cute stories about being scared of thunder.  We also recalled story elements in an interactive writing kind of way :)

The Windy Day was also a great book to read and respond to.  We read the book then charted what the wind would blow if they were out on a windy day.  Some of the responses we too funny (The wind blew my video game system)!  Then we imagined where our items would go using sequence words and preposition words.  

For a quick inferring lesson, I had the kids pick any kind of weather and write three clues about it.  Then they partnered up, read the clues and made inferences based on the clues.  They had a lot of fun doing this activity.  Click on the link to get the worksheet:


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